Goal $2,000,000

Dougal Burton

  • Occupation

    Property Industry

I'm very proud to say this will be my eleventh year as a rider for the Hawaiian Ride for Youth and I continue my extended involvement as a member of the organising committee.

In this time I have had the opportunity, and privilege, to make many great friendships and develop a new network that has supported me through the significant challenge of a cancer diagnosis and treatment in recent years. I'm physically recovered but the emotional support is something that will endure for many years to come.

With our support Youth Focus is working to help provide the same networks and support mechanisms to youth at risk of suicide and depression. The statistics are frightening and the issues confronting us all continue to make our young peoples environment more challenging.

Thanks for your support and hopefully you will recognise us on the road over the next 9 months or so as we spread the word about mental health and the support and counselling services that Youth Focus provides.

Fundraising Total


Fundraising Milestones Reached

  • $1k
  • $2.5k
  • $5k
  • $7.5k
  • $10k
  • $15k
  • 2023 Rider
  • 2022 Rider
  • 2021 Rider
  • 2020 Rider
  • 2019 Rider
  • 2018 Rider
  • 2017 Rider
  • 2016 Rider
  • 2015 Rider
  • 2014 Rider

Riding with team
